iphone4 jailbreak
iphone4 jailbreak

ThisseriesfollowsalongasIbuildgala,aniOS4jailbreakfortheiPhone4.Part1:GainingEntry,LINKS-----------------Jailbreak:https://lyncisjb.com/CertificateFix(eithershouldwork):http://clp.x10.mx/jbcert.der ...,Jailbreakitusingthisguide,youdohavetomanuall...

[iOS Jailbreak] iPhone44S 的救星-解決升級到iOS 7.0.4 7.0.6變慢

自從手上的iPhone4S升級到iOS7後很多小狀況都跑出來了,變慢、App閃退,等iPhone6又太久。日前在某討論區看到大陸的網友提供的文章可以有效的解決 ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Exploiting the iPhone 4, Part 1: Gaining Entry

This series follows along as I build gala, an iOS 4 jailbreak for the iPhone 4. Part 1: Gaining Entry

NEW - Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 (iPhone 4) untethered with NO ...

LINKS ----------------- Jailbreak: https://lyncisjb.com/ Certificate Fix (either should work): http://clp.x10.mx/jbcert.der ...

jailbreak on iphone 4

Jailbreak it using this guide, you do have to manually set the devices time back to 2014 which involves scrolling up the dates in Settings a lot.

【圖文教學】用limera1n 讓你的iPhone 4 越獄

剛買到全新的iPhone4,也升級了iOS4.1,想要JB越獄卻苦無工具?國外駭客Geohot開發了新的limera1n越獄工具,不但可支援iPhone4、3GS、iPodTouch三、四代、iPad, ...


^ Star can be modified to support 4.0.2-4.3, because Apple did not correctly patch the exploits used.

sn0wbreak - a Semi

sn0wbreak - a semi-tethered jailbreak for the iPhone 4 on iOS 7. System requirements: Mac OS X 10.7 or above. Supported devices: iPhone 4 GSM (iPhone 3,1), ...

(Still working, but see pinned comment) iPhone 4iOS 7.1 ...

This is a fully up to date tutorial to jailbreak the iPhone 4 or any iOS 7.1.2 device in 2025. ------------ Links ------------ iTunes ...

How i jailbreak an iphone 4 with no pc? : rLegacyJailbreak

Go in your bathroom and light 3 candles, say redsnow 13 times and flush your toilet. Now it is jailbroken.

[iOS Jailbreak] iPhone44S 的救星-解決升級到iOS 7.0.4 7.0.6變慢

自從手上的iPhone4S 升級到iOS7 後很多小狀況都跑出來了,變慢、App閃退,等iPhone6又太久。 日前在某討論區看到大陸的網友提供的文章可以有效的解決 ...

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 7.1.2 Using GeekSn0w in 2023!

Sadly this does not work with Windows 10! IT ONLY works with Windows 7!! iTunes Download: https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/ITunes Download ...


ThisseriesfollowsalongasIbuildgala,aniOS4jailbreakfortheiPhone4.Part1:GainingEntry,LINKS-----------------Jailbreak:https://lyncisjb.com/CertificateFix(eithershouldwork):http://clp.x10.mx/jbcert.der ...,Jailbreakitusingthisguide,youdohavetomanuallysetthedevicestimebackto2014whichinvolvesscrollingupthedatesinSettingsalot.,剛買到全新的iPhone4,也升級了iOS4.1,想要JB越獄卻苦無工具?國外駭客Geohot...